

2018-05-17 00:00:00 Resolved (DEG Response)

2012 BMW 335is Coupe

Tracking # 12205

IP Explanation

Audatex does not provide procedures or times for set-up and measure due to the wide range of measuring/straitening devices used in the automotive repair industry. . This is covered in the Database Reference Manual section 4-2 Labor Exclusions. “Setup of a vehicle on a frame machine, dedicated bench, or other measuring / straightening devices. Pulling time is not included (Standard Manual Entry M31 is available)”. Therefore any operations that are included or not included in the Set-up and Measure would need to be determined by the estimate preparer and agreed upon by all involved parties.

Inquiry type Procedure Page Issue
Area of Vehicle Frame
Issue Summary An insurer claims that setting a vehicle up on jigs includes measuring it with a 3D Measuring system (in our case a Naja). Is this included? What is the breakdown of what is included with setup of a vehicle on a dedicated fixture bench?
Suggested Action Clarify what is included with setup and measure and also jig setup and measure.