The DEG Database Inquiry Process is the mechanism for questioning or seeking additional clarification of a database value that you feel may be incorrect or require additional notations. It can also be used to identify missing information that you feel is needed to write a complete and accurate estimate (missing labor, missing parts, missing footnotes, incorrect illustrations). Our goal is to provide you with a user-friendly and streamlined mechanism in the event you need to generate a Database Inquiry. A consistent form, regardless of which database is in question, offers an ease not previously available in the U.S. market. In addition, we feel that having a Database Inquiry promptly processed and monitored to conclusion by a dedicated advocate on your behalf will provide yet another added value. We hope you find this process to be easy to use, fast, and productive, and that you will be a repeat “customer” of the DEG whenever you identify a database issue.
New Users
If you are new to the inquiry process, please take the time to look at the example of a “good” inquiry before starting yours. “I need more time than what they gave me” is not an example of a good inquiry. The more information you provide from first hand experience, the easier it will be for the Information Providers to understand the issue and address it. Finally, you can expect to receive e-mail confirmations at the following milestones in the process:
- Inquiry received by the DEG
- Inquiry submitted by the DEG to the Information Provider
- Information Provider or DEG requests additional information
- Response/resolution received from the Information Provider
Example Database Inquiry
The DEG and the inquiry process are built on a basis of open communication and clear, concise feedback. You are far more likely to have an exciting, easy, and positive inquiry experience if your concerns and required procedural steps are clearly presented for review. Please take a moment to review this submission which we feel represents a “good” inquiry:

Frequently Asked Questions
Welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions page. While using the Database Enhancement Gateway’s services for processing your Database Inquiries, questions may arise and require an answer. Below, we have tried to answer some of the most common questions you may have. If you find that your question is not answered on this page, please do no hesitate to email us on our Contact page, or call us at (302) 423-0207.
The DEG does not have a charge associated with using its services. It is a free program for anyone looking to provide feedback to help improve the accuracy of collision estimating data. The DEG has been initially funded by the ASA, AASP, and SCRS. These groups will be seeking alternative sources of funding going forward. If you, your Association, or your company would like to help financially support the DEG so that the service can remain available at no charge, please visit the DEG sponsorship tab.
There are many resources available for information on the correct procedures to follow when performing a repair operation. The DEG can not recommend or offer repair procedure guidance, however we would always recommend contacting the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) if there is a question on how to correctly perform a repair operation. Many of the OEM websites can be found on the DEG Links tab to help find the information you are looking for. In some cases, we may be able to direct you to a source for OEM repair procedure information.
Different estimating systems are built in different formats, with several factors involved in the “construction” of that labor. Some include more operations (and associated labor), and some require selecting the additional required operations to capture additional labor. They all base their labor values on the “ground rules” established in their respective Guides. For a more thorough explanation, please visit the Information Providers’ websites or the DEG Industry Estimating System.
No. The Information Providers are all solely responsible for the times they publish and the research and development of that time. The role of the DEG is to offer an easy to use, consistent, and responsive alternative to providing feedback to the Information Providers that is tracked and recorded on an easy to navigate public database.